• “A true love letter to classic JRPGs, it blends a modernized turn-based system with fun exploration and a cast of unique characters.” 80/100


  • “Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire is a game with a lot of charm, challenge, and heart.” 4/5

    The Xbox Hub

  • "Octeto es un partner estratégico para nosotros. Destaco el compromiso y orientación al cliente, adaptabilidad y flexibilidad. Siempre disponibles para apoyarnos."

    — Jaime Orellana. Kimen, Author.

  • "Games that make you the action hero are wildly common, but games that make you the person in the chair are far less frequent. If you've ever wanted to see what it's like to be that type of character, Cyber Ops might just be worth a try".

    — Screenrant.com

  • "Una maravillosa experiencia el trabajar con un equipo que dedica su tiempo a explicar y asesorar para que como cliente se pueda entender todo el proceso del proyecto."

    — Camila Vásquez, Vasmira.

  • "Even without eye candy, Cyber Ops manages to catch enough attention through neon-lit mainframe styled visuals which reminded me of Transistor and Shadowrun. An excellent strategic gameplay as well".

    — I DO MY BEST (Steam Curator)